The second congress of ISCP was organized by Prof. Elliot Rapaport and took place in San Francisco in October 1987. It brought clinical cardiovascular pharmacotherapy successfully to the forefront together with a number of important other topics (hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias, etc.).
The first ordinary General Assembly of ISCP took place during the San Francisco symposium, on October 20, 1987. At that time the society counted 113 members, from 29 different countries. A new Executive Board was elected for a period of two years: W. Rutishauser, Geneva, as President, S. Taylor, Leeds, as Vice-President, A. Battler, Tel Aviv, as Scientific Secretary, C. Kawai, Kyoto, E. Rapaport, San Francisco, J. Ross. Jr., San Diego, as other members of the Board, A. Von Albertini, Zurich, as Executive Secretary, and P. Ammon, Zurich, as Auditor. It was decided to hold the next membership assembly in Kyoto in October 1989, during the 3rd Cardiovascular Pharmacology International Symposium organized by Chuichi. Kawai.
A main concern of the newly elected President Rutishauser and the board was to increase the membership in order that our Society can grow and flourish. The aim was particularly to attract young cardiologists. Therefore we considered funding research training of promising clinical investigators during a limited period. Another opportunity would be by combining membership in the Society (which includes subscription to the journal “Cardiovascular Drugs and Pharmacotherapy”) with a considerable reduction of registration fee at future congresses. At the 15th International Congress of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy in Beijing in October 2009 ISCP members have however only a 25% reduction on registration fees.